Essential Security for Your Residential Property if You Live Alone

At times everyone has to be realistic when it comes to their security. Not everyone can afford big fences, security guards and security patrols to help keep them safe when at home. But there are reasonably priced alternatives to these things that you can do. They are especially important if you live by yourself. That’s because those that live alone are statistically more likely to suffer from burglaries and home invasions. Here are some home security steps you should definitely consider if you live alone.

Here are a few affordable security measures that most anyone can take to improve the safety and security around their homes no matter what their living situation: 

  • Improve exterior lighting

It’s no secret that thieves try to do everything that they can to minimize the chances of getting caught. They know if you don’t see them you can’t catch them or identify them. That’s exactly the reason why most home invasions and burglaries take place at night. These bad people are especially attracted to homes with poor exterior lighting. So, if your home has little or no outside lighting you need to take steps to correct this. A few carefully placed motion-sensing lights are not that expensive and act as a good deterrent for would-be thieves.

  • Add alarms and surveillance

Here is a security step that every homeowner should undertake. That’s having surveillance cameras and alarms added to their home. The best thing is this can be done more affordable than ever nowadays. Competition between home alarm monitoring companies has gotten tough and consumers are benefitting by getting huge reductions in the price that they pay for these services. Thieves often hesitate to try to break into homes with alarm systems.

Video surveillance systems have also become very practical and cost-friendly. These can even be self-installed in most cases.  Once again, thieves do not like to be identified so they will tend to avoid burglarizing homes that have video surveillance systems installed around them. Even if a thief does still break into your home with one of these passive security measures, you will still stand a much better chance of identifying and catching them.

  • Upgrade locks

Also, one of the most vulnerable places as far as any home’s security is concerned is the windows. Most people think factory-installed window locks protect them well but this is a false assumption in most cases. It’s never a bad idea to talk to a locksmith professional and enquire what it would take for them to add high-security window locks to your home’s windows.

  • Add extra locks

Not only do you need to upgrade and repair locks, but it’s also always a good idea to add extra locks where you can. This is especially true on entranceway doors. You should have at least two locks on every exterior door and of these, one of them should be a sturdy deadbolt lock. Locksmiths prefer deadbolts because they are much harder to pick than traditional keyed locks and they are also very hard to smash or pry open. So be sure to add additional lock security where possible to your home.

  • Involve neighbors

Maybe you have several people in your neighborhood that live at home alone. If you know them, then make a pact to look out for and check on one another from time to time. It will not only help increase your security level at home but it will also give you a little extra peace of mind too.

  • Man’s best friend can help too

There is one sound that no thief ever likes to hear and that is the sound of a dog barking. It’s an instant red flag for most thieves that will cause them to go look for other homes to burglarize besides yours. So, consider getting a dog if you don’t already have one. You may also just get a cute and cuddly friend out of your newest home security device too.

  • Practice deception

Maybe you don’t own a gun or you simply can’t afford a good alarm system. The thing is, thieves don’t know these things. So, you have a good chance at fooling them into thinking you do. Try putting some NRA or alarm company stickers in your windows just to make any would-be thieves think twice about breaking into your place. You would be surprised how effective this little trick is at keeping you more secure.

  • Practice Good Key Security

It’s important to be prudent when handing out keys to your home also. So even though you may be tempted to give that new boyfriend or girlfriend a key, save that act for when you know them much better. Also, find other ways to let lawn personnel, the cable gut, the pet sitter and others into your home without them actually taking possession of a key. You also want to periodically change your home master key locks to help keep your security at a high level.

  • Get in good security routines

Here is another simple but effective home security practice. Establish a security routine around your home. This includes doing such things as double-checking door and window locks before going to bed or leaving the house in the morning. You also want to always make sure that your garage door is never left open overnight or when you are not home. Little things do truly matter when it comes to home security.

Main Street Locksmith, LLC

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Main Street Locksmith, LLC is proud to provide services for those looking for automotive, residential, emergency and commercial solutions in Alpharetta.
