What to Do in Different Lockout Situations

“I am locked out. What do I do?” 

“I locked myself out of my car. How can I get back inside fast?”

Are these questions you are asking yourself, or perhaps the search engine of your choice? If so, then you know that getting locked out of your home, or your vehicle, place of work and so on is not fun. It’s no walk in the park to realize that you can’t access your belongings. Not only this, but it can be frightening and set you back for the day or make it so your night is on hold. We know that lockouts do happen, and we want to help you. We want to give you advice on how to prevent lockouts while also highlighting what to do in different lockout situations.

Stay calm. Stressful scenarios tend to have similar results in the sense that they lead to people being unable to think clearly. This can extend how long you are locked out for, so try to take a deep breath and stay calm. You will be able to get back inside. This is only a temporary situation. Are you locked out of the vehicle? Check a back door. Are you locked out of your home? Apply the same idea, and check another door besides your front door. If you are panicking, you might not necessarily think to do these things. 

For Auto Lockouts

First, go ahead and try to get inside using a back door or even the passenger door. Sometimes, we forget to check these things in a state of panic. You might, on the other hand, have a spare transponder key, which would allow you to get inside without having to call anyone for help.

You should also check to see if you have roadside assistance, in the event that you are in fact locked out. Because with some plans, this service would be covered. You might also want to look into your warranty, because in some cases, the warranty will cover roadside assistance. At the very least, it’s worth checking because you might not have to pay a dime to get back inside your car during a lockout.   

For Apartment Lockouts...

Do you live in a unit that you rent? If you do, then you are in luck most likely because you will be able to access help from someone such as a maintenance employee. Maybe you even have a contact number that was provided by your community so you could call ‘round the clock for help. Of course, check a back or patio door, if you have one, as you might have left this unlocked. 

For Commercial Lockouts...

Is there someone else with a copy of a key? If so, reach out to them. In some cases, multiple people will have access to a property. Consider going keyless in the future, so that you can get inside using a code.   

For Home Lockouts… 

We always encourage checking back doors. Do you have a friend who has a copy of your key that you might have forgotten about? These are ways you can get back inside. But of course, you always have access to a locksmith if you are in our service area. We are a 24/7 locksmith that puts our customers first and acts with a sense of urgency so you can get back in quickly! 

Now that you know what to do in different lockout situations, for instance, auto, residential and commercial, let’s go over how to avoid future lockouts. Yes, we mentioned the possibility of going keyless earlier, but there are other things you can do, too. 

Duplicate your key. If you have locked yourself out before and this instance was not the first time, or even if it was the first time, consider having a copy of your key made so you don’t have to deal with it again. You can have a transponder key duplicated by a locksmith. You can have a house key duplicated by a locksmith. This is an affordable, worthwhile service. 

Have a locksmith’s contact info in your phone. It is important to not hire just anyone when you need lock and security help – you need a locksmith who is insured and licensed. You also might need 24/7 emergency service depending on when the lockout takes place. Browse reviews online and save the number of a locksmith that you can count on. This way, you aren’t scrambling to find someone at the last minute.   

Formulate a mantra of some sort. Do you tell your dog you will be back soon every time you walk out the front door? If so, this is a habit you have formed, and you can develop a habit of telling yourself to grab your key, too! It will become second nature.  

Invest in a keyless entry system. Keyless entry systems are extremely beneficial and growing in popularity. You can avoid lockouts altogether by having a code to get inside your building or even your garage.

Main Street Locksmith, LLC

For More Info.

Call us at (770) 278-9584

Main Street Locksmith, LLC is proud to provide services for those looking for automotive, residential, emergency and commercial solutions in Alpharetta.
