When to Replace Your Locks

The cost of any service is usually one of the most important factors a person looks at. Your home security always comes down to the quality, condition, and effectiveness of your locks. Replacing your locks is an inexpensive investment in the security of your home, business, or vehicle in Alpharetta, GA. While you may consider purchasing lock kits from a hardware store, these types of DIY installations do not provide the same level of security as a professional locksmith will. A locksmith will be able to use their knowledge and experience to help you choose the correct type of lock or service that is appropriate for your individual situation and security needs. 

Lock Replacement or Lock Rekeying?

One thing to consider when you’re evaluating whether to have your locks changed is the process for such a change. You may only be aware of full lock replacement. However, there is also a service that most professional locksmiths offer as an alternative, known as lock rekeying. Lock rekeying is an easy and inexpensive service that doesn’t take long to perform. Rekeying involves taking the existing lock hardware, disassembling the lock cylinder, and realigning the pin and tumbler system inside so that it only fits the configuration of a new key instead of the old one. Depending on your existing locks, and how old they are, lock rekeying might be an option. Speak to your locksmith if you’re interested in hearing more about this valuable service. 

When to Consider Changing Locks 

What follows is a selection of the most common turning points when you should consider changing your locks. By changing your locks, you can better your property’s security. While it might require a small investment to hire a locksmith upfront, it’s worth it to better protect your family, assets, and belongings. Read on for more information about the times when it’s best to change your locks. 

Did You Just Move In?

Being handed the keys to your new home is probably one of the top moments in most people’s lives. However, if you’re not certain that the locks were changed or there’s a possibility that someone else could have a copy of the keys, it’s best to change the locks. You can save your original key as a memento, but if there’s any chance someone else has a copy of the key, you should consider changing the locks. As soon as you get settled into your new home, give a locksmith a call-in order to have your locks changed. 

Was Your Key Lost or Stolen? 

If your key was lost or stolen, you should have your lock changed as soon as possible by a locksmith. Even in the unlikely event that your key gets returned to you, or if you have a backup, it only takes a little cash and a short wait to have virtually any key copied. Remember, anyone who has a copy of your house key can let themselves right in, whether you know them or not. Having your lock changed or rekeyed will ensure that no one else has access to your property by rending the missing key useless.  

Was Your Home Broken Into?  

A lock is only worth its ability to protect your property. During most break-ins, the locks are damaged beyond repair. Even if your locks are still in okay shape, they have shown that they can’t do the job they were supposed to do. As soon as a break-in occurs, one of your top goals will undoubtedly be restoring your sense of safety and security. A locksmith can upgrade your locks to ones with higher security features that prevent common tactics criminals use to gain entry. Better locks can prevent this upsetting situation from ever happening again. If you have a commercial property that has been the target of a break-in, consider upgrading to a keyless entry system. These systems, including keypad locks and key card readers, can enhance your property’s experience. 

Did Someone Leave the Property? 

While many people part amicably at the end of a relationship, some break-ups are messier. Maybe you’re going through a painful divorce. Or maybe your ex has anger management issues. Whatever the case, it’s important to consider changing your locks if your ex has a key to your house. Make sure you check up on and follow local laws when it comes to changing the locks on a former roommate. As mentioned above, it’s not enough for them to return your key to you, because making a copy is extremely easy. Having your locks changed by a professional can restore your sense of security. 

Have Your Locks Seen Better Days? 

Door locks don’t require much maintenance over their lifetimes, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t wear out. When you insert your key into the lock every day, this process repeated over the years can slowly cause the metal to wear down and warp. If moisture gets inside of the lock, the parts can rust, causing damage. One unmistakable sign of a worn out or damaged lock is your key sticking. Even if it’s just a little at first when you turn the key, this problem usually progresses to the point where the lock becomes unusable. Your key may even break off or get totally stuck in the lock. If your locks are showing signs of wear, or they haven’t been changed in 10-15 years, it’s time to contact a locksmith for a consultation.   

Main Street Locksmith, LLC

For More Info.

Call us at (770) 278-9584

Main Street Locksmith, LLC is proud to provide services for those looking for automotive, residential, emergency and commercial solutions in Alpharetta.
