Why You Should Increase Home Security During School Year

It is true no matter where you live that you have at least one thing in common with other homeowners- you want and need to secure your property. You work hard to have a place to live. You work hard for all the items you have acquired over the years. You want to know they are protected. And it goes without saying that you want your family to be safe. You need security features you have confidence in. But have you thought about increasing your home security? And have you considered that it is important to do this during the school year? Many don’t realize that the school year is the perfect time to make improvements to their security systems.

Why You Should Increase Security During School Year

  • You likely won’t be home as often. This is a very good reason to increase security once the school year has started back up. Think about it – when the kids are out of the house, you are at work or your partner is at work (or both of you are out of the house) there is more time for a criminal to have time to get inside without anyone being home to witness it. Burglars take note of when people are not home. So, what are you supposed to do?
  • Increase your security. You should invest in solutions you can rely on. Some features to think about include new locks, digital locks, keyless entry, garage door locks, patio locks and window locks. Keyless locks are a great option because you can get a lock that you are able to operate using your smartphone. Unsure if you locked the door before you left the house for the day? You can use your smartphone with some of these systems to double check. Patio locks, window locks and garage locks just add another layer of security. You don’t want to have a door or potential entry point that is not locked up. 
  • Try to change up your routine. If your kids leave the house every day at a certain time for school, and you follow shortly behind, a burglar could take note of this. Consider leaving 10 minutes earlier one day, or at a totally different time if possible, on another day. Leave on a light if you know you won’t be home in the evening so it looks like someone is home, or set a timer so the lights go on at a certain time (this is more environmentally-friendly, of course). 
  • It’s easier for a criminal to figure out when your house is empty. This was sort of touched upon in the first point. We get so caught up in day to day life during the school year that it is easy to overlook the fact that we are forming a routine. Our pattern can become visible to others. This is where the problem comes into play. Maybe someone has been scoping out your house, wanting to break in. This is a terrifying thought to consider, but we have to be mindful of the fact that there are people with bad intentions out there. If someone has been keeping track of when you are not home, then they could easily figure out a “safe” time to break in. So, keep your home protected by having the right security features in place, but also make sure that you are changing up your routine when possible as well. This small change can make a big difference. 
  • Your kids might be home alone sometimes. Maybe your kids are at an age that they are old enough to be left home alone at times. Maybe you don’t have much of a choice between work and other things that have to be done on a day to day basis. So, at times, your children are home alone. Whether they are high school seniors or perhaps just entering high school, you want to know they are safe at home. You might completely trust them to be reliable and to not throw a party or do something you don’t approve of, but do you trust other people? A burglar could realize that a young person is at home by themselves because they don’t see your car in the driveway, or because again, you have a routine and it has become visible to someone else. You could have new security features installed that you feel more confident in, for instance, keyless entry as discussed earlier. You might want to have an intercom system set up, too. These are just a couple of basic steps you can take. You might also think about having locks installed on all potential points of entry. What if you don’t know where to start? We always recommend calling a locksmith. 

These aforementioned points are just some of the reasons to increase home security during the school year. We always recommend connecting with a locksmith when you have concerns about your security and lock features, or your lack thereof. This is a person who can come out to your property, do an inspection, and let you know if there are certain points that need better protection. They should be licensed and insured, as we are, to get you set up with new products and services. Give them a call and take advantage of the fact that they tend to offer free consultations. Let them know you want to improve your home security

Main Street Locksmith, LLC

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Main Street Locksmith, LLC is proud to provide services for those looking for automotive, residential, emergency and commercial solutions in Alpharetta.
